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 MADNESS: Project Nexus 


















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Beta Update [2.04.e] (Featuring Cloud Saving!)

[You can access this build from the releasebeta Branch on Steam]

As you can see from the version number, our fabulous beta testers have been behind the scenes helping M:PN update with a bunch of quality-of-life fixes!

Namely, Cloud Saves! If you've had issues with save files corrupting, we're hoping that this will help resolve all of your issues forever. Back up your saves and then switch to the M:PN Beta Branch on Steam to give cloud saving a whirl.

Cloud Saves! Make sure you're logged into Steam and have Cloud Saves enabled.
Squadmates will help shoot at Apothic Gestalt (Phase 2) again, as well as approach other boss units they were avoiding in melee.
Corpses were falling through the terrain in the Science Tower Courtyard.
Thrown weapons will no longer embed in physics objects (which would cause them to freak out).
You could soft lock yourself by backtracking in one room of Arena Contract 4, "Mandatus".
A weapon thrown with the Lawnmower skill could drop multiple copies of its broken version if it hit multiple enemies on the same frame it broke.
Display for Encumbrance and Tac-Bar update appropriately after buying new Skills.
Empty-handed NPCs would hunt around for weapons to use, but if they picked up a throwable, would continue looking for weapons. This gets them stuck in a loop if all that's left are throwables.
Heavy Weapons won't give you bonus mags for Ranged Core skills anymore, as mentioned in the skill descriptions.
Catch Thrown skill works again, and NPCs (including your squadmates) will properly use the skill if they've got it.
An archiving issue was stopping hirelings from advancing in level or appearing in the HQ.
Nexus Blade's audio wasn't muting during the pause menu.
Small text glitch when firing hirelings from the HQ. Their name would sometimes not appear in the window prompt.
Arena Siege attackers will now give up on their obstacle targets (windows, car piles, etc.) once they've been wiped out.
There was a small window where you could safely quit an Arena stage on completion, but before XP and Cash were assigned to you. You're now locked out of leaving during the stage-end breakdown.
Additional checkpoints added to Climb and Chasms in the Story Campaign, to make these otherwise long stages more bearable when you die.
Tons of small bonuses added to all kinds of gear at the Arena quartermaster.
Nerfed damage to squadmates from explosions and hazards.
Weapons affected by Shuriken Arc skill only suffer reduced damage if they pull enemies back to you. This de-nerfs the boomerang, throwing disc, etc.
Altered the visual look and size of weapon/armor stats displayed in the inventory for better legibility.
Half-Mag outfit and glasses were showing up way too soon at the Quartermaster.
Consolidated a bunch of hood wearables to trim out a bunch of obsolete and redundant gear at the Quartermaster.
One fewer wave at Slaughter Time's last checkpoint.
Removed "Plummet" skill from a bunch of enemies. They will no longer be invincible while falling, in case they get stuck in geometry and need to be killed.
Some throwables (mostly non-explosives) can be looted from bodies.
Murder Room invisible ceiling raised to make room for Cyber Brutes leaping around.
A bunch of gear has been given a variety of stat bonuses in the Arena.
Thrown weapons without a visual object (Nexus Bolts, etc.) have been given a default icon outline in the game UI. Others still (Rocks, etc.) have been given new icons entirely.
When failing to pick up a throwable because the one you're carrying cannot be dropped, the game will notify you.
N51 Mortar can't be knocked down anymore (least of all by themselves).
N-60 requires two hands to wield regardless of a character's stats.
The Character Select screen had a Beta Branch warning that needed rewording.

[ 2022-03-30 20:46:13 CET ] [ Original post ]